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Fully-Managed Dedicated Server Hosting

Easy-to-manage server that can handle large volumes of visitors. Web hosting made easy & affordable, choose a fine-tuned web hosting services solution.

  • All the resources of a server only for your website
  • Easy management and security thanks to our control panel
  • Quick and proactive solutions thanks to our 24/7 monitoring service
email hosting

Available Operating Systems With Maximum Speed


Best Hosting Features For You

Ultimately, all the powerful features that are optimized for best performance will transform your websites into a great business.

SSD Disk Drives

You cank choose hard disk drives(HDD) for Traditional Hard Disk Drive & High Storage or solid-state drives (SSD)/NVMe (PCIe SSD) for Solid State Drive For High Input/Output

100 Mb/s Network

We can guarantee an excellent experience and loading time with Cisco/Juniper-powered Redundant network, N+2 fully redundant Power Supply , power outage protection Energy efficient direct free cooling & High-Performance Hardware

DDoS Protection

Our Datacenter bundled DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) using Arbor and Juniper hardware mitigation as a completely free service with each of our VPS

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

With multiple datacenter locations, redundant cooling, emergency generators and monitoring.

30 days Money-back Guarantee

If youโ€™re not 100% satisfied with Domain India, weโ€™ll refund your payment.

Redundant Server

Datacenter located in Europe, USA ,India., Fully Redundant Network with NO Single Point of Failure, Multiple Bandwidth Providers, State-of-the-Art Data Center with Backup Power Generators.