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Cpanel Control Panel- Web Hosting Specifications Comparison


COMPARE WEB HOSTING Choose your package

₹ 101 /month
₹ 178 /month
₹ 302 /month
Webspace SSD 10 GB 25 GB 100 GB
Number of websites on 1 package Max. 1 Max. 5 Unlimited
Number of linked domains Max. 3 Max. 10 Unlimited
Number of subdomains Max. 3 Max. 10 Unlimited
Data traffic 25 GB 50 GB Unlimited
Operating System CentOS/CloudLinux CentOS/CloudLinux CentOS/CloudLinux
HTTPS protection
Adapted to any CMS
Hosting services makes your life easier
Domain Name Name Registration additional Name Registration additional Name Registration additional
Uptime monitoring
Outstanding performance guaranteed
Performance Good Better Best
Protection of your website
Automatic backups Monthly Monthly Monthly
Saving backups 60 Days 60 Days 60 Days
Extra backup stored in another location
Malware scanner
Automatic security updates
DDos protection
Free mailboxes with each package
Free mailboxes 10 GB 25 GB Unlimited
E-mail addresses 5 Email ID 10 Email ID Unlimited
Backups Monthly Monthly Monthly
Webmail access
Free extra services with each package
WordPress Options Managed WordPress & Staging Tool Managed WordPress & Staging Tool Managed WordPress & Staging Tool
1-Click Installer(400 web apps )
Free Drag and Drop Sitebuilder
PHP Supported Versions 5.6, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1, 8.2
NodeJS, Python, MySQL 8.x., Javascript, Perl
Free SSH Aceess, SFTP Access, WAF Protection
Laravel, CodeIgnitor
Nginx Caching Reverse Proxy
PHP MyAdmin
Instant Setup
Money-back guarantee

COMPARE WEB HOSTING Choose your package

₹ 101 /month
₹ 178 /month
₹ 302 /month